Saturday, August 20, 2011

Affection? Bullshit.

Okay, i get the point. But at least, you could've bothered to tell me the truth yourself, rather than me trying all means and ways to find out more. It's not like i can't handle the truth right? Don't forget, I'm always a cheerful and strong minded person. I won't be affected by what you say, as long as it's the truth and there's a reason behind it. But still, lies. Everything you did, everything you said, everything about you, about "us" , all was a big fat LIE. So you know something? I'm gonna fuck off from your fucking life. I'm feeling so fked up. Why even get close to me last time in the first place? If you ever decide to give me truthful reasons, I'll always be here to listen and "UNDERSTAND", then say "fuckyou :)" Ok la maybe I won't be so vulgar and fierce. I haven't used any vulgarities (to scold ppl) in quite some time already. I'm not going to break my promise to myself just because of you. Insignificant you. :)

I really, really wonder. I seriously, want an explanation. Tell me what went wrong.

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