Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Self acceptance

"Tell me why these roads keep leading, leading you right back to me."

Long time no zilian already :P
Ok hi. Today was a normal schooling day with normal half-boring lessons. Paid attention throughout every lesson today :) Hehe proud of myself. But during chinese lesson, very suey. Cheng yu ting xie. Copied from book + from Weijing as usual. But today don't know why the teo guat lan eye so sharp, caught me and Weijing cheating :O Heck care la zero marks then zero marks lor, big deal. I don't like teo guat lan aka teo guai lan -_____-" After school ended, went to find mr puffer with hweehoon. Hweehoon called him to come out from staff room. After he came out, he went to approach some boys who were talking to another teacher and asked "You were the ones who called me right?" The boys shook their head and said no. Puffer said "Heh heh don't lie to me." LOL JOKE SIA, it was hweehoon who called mr puffer! Me and hweehoon were laughing like szb. Hahaha, after hweehoon finished settling some stuffs (puffer said that there's no such word as 'stuffs') with puffer, we all went home. End of story. Today is a happy day and I'm gonna end the post here, toodles! :D

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your backview.

I wish everyone didn't have such high expectations of me.
Because it's bad enough I let myself down. I don't need to let everyone else down too.

In your face

Let me stay young for life.

Hi. I shall be more discreet when I'm posting my heartfelt words *wink to Sherrie and Xinyi* muahaha don't read liao la I know you two stalking me now LOL. :P Haha no la joking. Come come I welcome you to stalk jiejie. Let jiejie guide you meimeis along :)!!!!

So, today training was slacky. Truly speaking, I kinda like it. I admit, I'm a slacky person :( I may not be as good as everyone else, but I will try :). Came back from training, bath and eat, faster catch up on facebook news and reply my 20+ unread blogshop email due to internet connection problem yesterday but it's fixed today. Then, watched 美樂加油 ep 7 which was released online today and which will only be aired on tv this saturday! I have nothing to say except the drama is AWESOME AND I RECOMMEND EVERYBODY TO WATCH IT. Nicest drama I've ever watched so far! Ok la actually every drama to me also very appealing and nice but some will be nicer than others ma XD And this is really one of those really very nice drama! Mike He is so hawt and awesome and he's such a good actor and kisser hehehe totally my type LOL.

It's 12.03am and i need to wake up for school tmr and my mother is kp-ing me :((((( baibai.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bitch in a beach.

I don't know what to say. I mean it's like, what could I possibly say? Sometimes you tried your best, but your best just isn't enough. I don't know where to start with. How do I correct a mistake that I don't even know what it  is? Idk, I mean, this day is totally, idk, what should I say? I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. I just don't know! But nevermind, mentality is important. So what if I'm tired? Who isn't? So yup, just another 2 years to fight, I must stay strong and positive :D

If you guys don't even care about me when I'm at my worst, you guys certainly don't deserve me when I'm at my best :) Especially you, beeeeaaacccchhh -.-

Monday, July 11, 2011

I want to kill you a million times over.


Wtf is wrong with you sia! Argh to think that i actually was half-falling for you that time -.- Is getting close to me, making me happy and suddenly just ignore me very fun to you? Do you find enjoyment in watching me happily falling for you little by little, and suddenly just let go of me with nothing for me to hold on to?

If you already planned not to continue talking with me, spending time with me, texting me, continue making fun and happy memories of us when we were still good friends, in the first place, why did you even want to give me false hope, talked to me as if you cared, and just throw everything away all of a sudden without a warning or explanation?

We were friends. We became good friends. We started texting one another. We started msning one another. We started playing computer games together. We started to get closer and closer. You started to give me mixed signals. I started to fall for you, little by little. You became more and more out of my reach. You gave it all up, as if nothing has ever happened before, like we never had any memories together before. You treated me like something you can take and throw away whenever you want.

Yesterday, I tried. I planned to tell you sorry for anything wrong I've done, and i planned to ask for the explanation that you never gave me. But you treated me like....... you didn't even bother to reply me with proper replies. And you left my last sentence hanging there, didn't even bother to reply it, when I still had so many things to say, so many questions unanswered.

You blew it. I dislike you. You're a bastard. I want to kill you a thousand times over. You were so nice and now you are....... AN ASSHOLE, JERK, !~!#$%^&*(&^% WHATEVER.

Why should I be bothered with jerks like you? I don't think I even really liked you that much anyway though. Perhaps during graduation night, i'll truly tell you everything and show you my blog posts and such. But I don't think i will because i think by graduation day, we'll be at different classes and totally don't remember that our lives ever crossed before. :)

Typing out everything really makes me feel better and I can sort of my thinking easily and decide on things that are best for myself :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My heart tells me otherwise.

I just want the old you back :')

Monday, July 4, 2011

bff, ily.

Hi Zuqi this post is dedicated to you. I just want to say that you're my...........................

And I also want to say that.....................................................