Monday, May 30, 2011

Time heals everything.

Yesterday and the day before was kinda fun. The day before, worked ice cream job with Xinyi. First time doing it and so suey T_T sold 4 boxes only + sell until very cheap then that person want buy. Yesterday ice cream job again with Zuqi, successful ttm :D. Kinda tiring though ~

Today kena woken at 10am+ due to my phone under my pillow vibrating ._. Then woke up, brush teeth, blah blah, computer computer computer. Nowadays I see facebook got many happy couples leh, hehehe wish them last long ^^

Was browsing through facebook and realised that it's your birthday. How time flies. It's 30 May 2011 already. Two years, two years, two years, two yearssss, passed in a flash. I wouldn't even remember it's your birthday if facebook didn't show it. Browsed through a few of your pictures and realised that you changed, into a more handsome(LOL) and happy person. I haven't thought about you for like, 9 months already. Guess it's counted as I truly forgot about you :D Time heals everything. So true (:

Hehe now I'm thinking about another somebodehh. Wonder when he will text me or something. Tsktsk stupid me. I don't like him as in THAT like la. I only like him as a friend :D

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