Friday, May 27, 2011


Basically, today sucked big time. Morning MTP was okay. Puffer said a lot of good stuffs about me and keep giving me the creepy pedo smile. I thought the rest of the day would be wonderful. After MTP, went to lot's mac for breakfast with mummy.

After eating, went to library to spend the one hour left before meeting with teammates for lunch. Mummy went home and i went to read a book. Read finish zhun zhun in one hour. The book was not bad, quite meaning and sad. I realised that everytime i read finish any book, i will be like, stunned, and find that the ending isn't elaborated enough and it isn't a good ending and it didn't talk about everything that i wanted to know about what happened in the end.

Went down to control station and found xinghuan there. We went mac first then after awhile, daenia, xinyi and weishan came too. Went mac again and pei them eat but I didn't eat. Talked about lots of stuff :P hehs. Then bused to school and changed into shoes and ankle guard and knee pad all that.

Ran 10 rounds, did the constipation thing, did some free spike and blah blah. Coach suddenly say today is some 'family-eat-together-day" so will be dismissed at 5pm. Lmao but end up still dismiss at 6pm in the end. Dunman high ppl came, and i played in the 3rd and 4th set. 3rd set was okay, but 4th set was crap. Totally utterly crappily crap. Not that we lost, but we won. Actually, not we. I lost. I lost to myself. I lost to myself and my attitude. Got switched out by coach -.- was fking angry at first, but yeah, now that i think about it, I should be angry at myself instead :) jy ss, you shall prove coach wrong!

Afterall, SSS = Super Soo Sian ! HUAT AH LOL.


Eh walao I'm super confused la now. Don't get my hopes up if you'll just crush them in the end. I really, really, really wish I could read your mind. Can you at least give me some clear sign or hint? Lol you're really confusing me. Ahhh who cares, I don't like you as in THAT like anyway. If you don't want to text me, then tell me. Don't one day text like you care then the next day, stop texting me already. Whatever la not like I like you and not like you'll ever like me. I should stop thinking so much. Stop thinking about the impossibilities la soosian. Stop waiting for his reply because he sometimes won't even reply.. I'll just be ignorant and go back to my life where you weren't so involved. :D

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