so , today , late for school ,
some more horh , today my turn duty raise flag ._.
then , mdm ng complain complain ;o .
sorry lah ? next time i come "earlier" lah ? ._.
so , after flag raising , went and chged to PE attire ,
then , went back to the hall , joined our class ,
then need take temperature ._.
then i take halfway , the thermometer haven ring ,
mdm shirlene tan ask to see me ._.
then when i stood up , my thermometer flew away . LOL ROFL LMAO .
then , i dont care it 1st , then , went to mdm tan there ,
then ,
mdm tan : do you know that you are not supposed to wear ankle socks ?
me : yarh .(rolls eye) .
mdm tan : you know it but why u still wear ? everytime when is ur duty and i see you raise flag , everytime u are wearing ankle socks . when the p3s p4s see , what will they think ? they will sure think that " that prefect can wear ankle socks then why cant we ? "
me : (keep nodding head ._.)
mdm tan : ur socks is u fold down or is made to be ankle socks ?
me : ankle .
mdm tan : okay , so u know what to do ah , next time dont wear ankle socks . i dont care if u wear it outside school or anywhere , cos that doesn't concern me . but if u are in school , u must follow the school rules .
me : orh .(rolls eye) .
then i can zhao alr .
that was , a very calming conversation ?
she was smiling at me and talking very gently ,
not like that mrs thoo , only know how to scold scold scold ._.
LOL , so , after that , PE-ed , played captain ball using basketball .
then , got 5 bball gurls in our class ,
then all 3+me= 4 in 1 group then nasyitah flew to another group ):
so , the game was , just like , when training we trained passsing ?
LOLOLOLL . me , huiying , natalie was like , normal passing ?
then gwen is the goal keeper (:
then nasyitah jump so high , block so many of our shots T_T
so , in the end , 2-1 i think . we 2 they 1 :D . LOL . litte right ? i know .
so , went back class ,
fairuz leson , boring ;o .
went lab and must sit with group members ._.
then , researched a few things , lesson over .
went back class , chi lesson ! -'- .
lin lao sai asked who haven hand in compo .
then i dunwan raise hand 1st , so i just waited :D:D
then , she say she going to call out name .
then she called everyone's name except mine , keane and xuwei .
then i hand up mine :D
then she took 1 look at it , asked me whut was this :
then i said " xie cuo ."
then she show on visualizer my piece of beautiful compo :D .

woots , see my handwriting and cancelling so nice right ? :D
LOL , then i went back seat while lin lao sa talked cock keep saying to the class :
"wo bu shi gen ni men jiang guo xie cuo zhi xu yao yong yi hen qu ua diao mah ?"
then the whole class is guai kia , then go say "shi"
then she say "hen hao . soosian , cong xie ."
then she passed me back my compo .
cb . hope u tmr stroke then die while teaching us ._.
so , blahblah ~ skipskip ~
then school over (: , went canteen ,
wait for geraldine to eat then walk home tgt .
then , mao zhou suddnly called me o.o .
he say he wanna tell me sth .
then zld also there . mao zhou keep looking at zld as if
using the eyes to ask him whther can tell me annot ._.
so , zld say cannot tell me ._. kns .
then , argued argued , i say to mao zhou
if he never tell me i tmr go and bully yvette :D
LOL , he keep on asking me dont lah dont lah .
LOL . see he care for yvette so much . HAHAHAHAHS .
in the end , i said :
"ni ming tian kan yvette ku hao bah."
then i went home :D
then he at my behid keep telling me dont dont dont ._.
LOL , walked home with geraldine ,
geraldine so cute siaaaaa ! :D .
then , home-d , hyper-ed ,
rewritten compo ._. ,
slept , posted .
byeees !
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