Thursday, April 16, 2009

monring just nice on time fer school ,
i realised i have kicked my habit of alarm clock ring dunwan make up :D
muahahahha , school was fun , nth interesting , at least none that i could rmb of ! :D
after school had supplemetary , do the oral tinggy . it was very hard can ?
zzz , ORAL SUX -'- . ohhhh welll , i anyhow do de .
must write 6-7 ans but i write 2-4 :D .
then , supplementary was over in a flash , went hall see junior match .
ke an was propro can ? :D:D . keep on alot of free throw . prooooo :D
hira and maria was also propro . shoot shoot jump jump so good ! :D
grats juniors on making it to semi final ! :D musrifah get well soon (:
then , after junior match , me and fenny went down shoot shoot ,
then when we just reach the bball court ,
the track and field coach asked us some things o.o
ask abt our age , our cca , can run annot , and all sorts of ques related to track and field o.o
then he asked us run ? then we ran , then try try the shot put ,
is use medicine ball de o.o .
the green one somemore . LOL ;x .
then by that time sijia also came down played wib us :D
sijia seh , shot put pro seh :D
then , went training , ran 10 rnds ,
then me and fenny went down again . shot put funfun :D:D
then we ran wib the juniors ,
cos they after match go down shoot that time also kena asked ques by coach .
uh , then the coach went and wrote down our names ?
and the athirah was super act pro ? running lose to me still talk cock -'-
kns , try ur fuucking attitude lah athirah . you're not the boss okay !?!?
u think u run so fast ah ? if u run fast , i win u , then me leh ?
i become can fly alr ah ? then gwen leh ? she fly high high alr leh . LOL ;x .
haiss , suan liao . then , after training ,
went down sho0t wib fenny agn , then after the track and field disperse ,
me and fenny saw some soccer boys using soccer play bball ?
then went to play with themmmm ! they so cute siolls !
then after that went to see the p2 run 10 rnds O_O .
but in the end 4 rnds only lah . :D
then went home , posted . byes <3


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