Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 8

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

Dear Angela aka my darling kaya,
Hehehe hi. You're my favourite internet friend leh! Be honored and touched okay! LOL. Haha I guess it's you cause you've always been the one there to give me advise/comfort me when I'm sad or anything. And most importantly, you're the one who made, what happened, happened on 9th May. You know what I'm talking about :P But that's not important anymore :) Why you need to go back indo! I miss you so much. I still remember the times we spent together during dD-'sfam outing :D Hahahaha those were the funnest time! But that's all in the past now. I know that will never happen again. Jy in life ok, must come back to Singapore in the future! I'll always be here to be your listening ear and here to give you advise if you need. Love you <3

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