Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Time is ticking away.

Haven't been posting for quite some time due to my laziness, hahahah. Today, school as usual.
Woke up at 6.45am, cause i forgot to on my alarm. Rushed to bus stop, and the bus only came after 10min -.-
When the bus came, it was quite crowded. Guess what? The uncle drove the bus so slowly tht even a snail is faster.
Isn't that all too wonderful? Yeah i know, i'm being sarcastic. But who cares? Plus it was raining okay.
Took bus 300 instead of walking. The bus driver also drive so slow. After 9876543421 hours, i reached sch.
Late again, for the don't know how many times already. I'm not the only one who's late. Got about, 20+ people.

First period was english if i'm not wrong. Ms Anitha gave us our report book and secondary sch ezlink card.
The picture for the ezlink card is my p6 photo, wtf. I prefer my sec 1 photo. I look toooot in my p6 photo.
I'm quite satisfied with my results. I hate chinese, i hate home econ's written paper. -

English           -            A1
Maths            -            A1
History          -            A1
Literature      -            A1
Art                -            A1
Science         -            A2
Home econs  -            B3
Chinese         -            C5

Yup, that's my results. For overall marks, Jason got 1 more mark than me. And his report book got signed
by principal personally. I'm so jealous (not), hahah. After english period was music. Mr Wong is so funny, lol.
He talk that time, keep will like, shake his head? Hahaha. He's also a pro pianist(?), i salute his fingers. :)

After music, recess. Tried a new stall with Geraldine. The egg and veggie is not bad. After eating, went back class.
FTCME period. BOREDDIEME la. Mr Manaf only there keep crap crap crap, talk c0ck. When he talking,
his hand will do funny things one. His facial expression also very toot. Me, Jason and Reynard kept imitating him,
and we were there laughing. Played the weird number game with Jason, as we didn't want to listen to Mr Manaf.
I won Jason 5 times in a row! Woooo, i never beat him so many times before :P. I tried playing with Reynard,
but so fast lose already. Ohwell, who ask him so pro! :(

After 123456789 hours, FTCME finally over. I don't think anyone listened to Mr Manaf talk at all. Haha :D
After FTCME, is bio. Well, not really bio. Bio change to Chemistry already. But luckily, Ms Lee is still our tcher.
During Chem lesson, i was really very super tired, and  i can't resist the temptation, so i dozed off lots of times.
Even if i didn't doze off, i still don't understand what Ms Lee is teaching. The periodic(?) table so weird one.
I don't understand a single thing ok ._. ? Chem lesson over, and Ms Lee scolded the class, say that she don't like our attitude and whatsoever. I think she's refering to me? Sorry la, i dumb, also cannot blame me.

History lesson, Mdm Zai-nub came, talk to us about project. She talk halfway, the fire alarm rang.
Wooo, went to the bball court to gather. The bball court so hot can? I was sweating like dk what.
The principal praised everyone that we only took 6mins to gather. Then went back class, continue lesson.
Teacher continue talk about our project, and ask us get into groups. I group with Geraldine, Wenyi and Qianhui.
When history lesson over, i don't understand what we're supposed to do. I don't understand one bit.

Anyway, went canteen to eat. After eating and chatting, went indoor sports hall play volley awhile,
then bus-ed home. I thought about a lot of things when i was on the bus. When i got down from bus,
i forgot everything that i thought about. LOL. Omg stm stm stm, die die die.

Geraldine is going to Msia today. Geraldine ah geraldine ah, you must remember to do history hor.
Cannot leave all the work to us okay? XD. Remember buy my souveneir(?) ok :P

Cheng Chai Hao, i do miss you, actually. I hope you won't come my blog, and by chance, see this. :)

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