Monday, January 4, 2021


Omg my 2 fav Chinese singers together :')

Anyway MBBS is coming and I honestly can't wait for it to be over. It's quite mentally exhausting because I always think so much before I sleep.

Did I study today
Why did I not study
Should I have studied
What do I need to read for tutorial tmr
But it's already 11pm and I'm sleepy
But other people are studying till 2am everyday
Or waking up at 5am to study everyday

There is training tonight
Should I go for training
But I'm so tired from my posting
Should I spend the time to study instead
But if I don't go for training would I be spending this time studying instead

So many thoughts, albeit some unnecessary, for sure. At least when I start working, I won't be thinking of all these things. I will just be thinking of sleeping early and waking early. I'm quite certain I will miss school life though. I guess this is what adults always say; life will pass by in a flash